v1.11 (31/8/2024) [1.7 - 1.21]
Fixed many errors in the language files, which means that the files should work now!
Updated the pack to support 1.21
Updated the pack icon for 1.20.x-1.21.x to reflect the 1.21 update, with some aspects of the 1.20 update still intact
Updated some splash texts
v1.10 (1/5/2024) [1.7 - 1.20]
First release of 2024!
Version listing for the following Minecraft versions is heavily simplified
The 1.13-1.14, 1.15-1.16, 1.17-1.18 and 1.19 packs all have been merged into a single 1.13-1.19 pack
The resource pack icon has been updated for the 1.13-1.19 pack, with a cameo appearance from EmpAhmadK, who helped a ton during early development of JawiCraft!
This is done to make the updating process in the future easier, especially when counting the pre-1.13 packs
When loading up the pack in versions 1.13-1.18, ignore the warning given, as it should've worked regardless
Updated lots of translations, which can be seen in full here
Fixed some Jawi (and Rumi) translations that didn't make it into 1.20.5 in time
Ported some translation fixes from BetterMalay for the Rumi translations
To fully experience all the changes and fixes to the Rumi translation, download the full pack and apply it below the JawiCraft pack in the resource pack list (or above if you don't want to use the Jawi splash texts)
Fixed a few typos in the translation
v1.9 (15/12/2023) [1.7 - 1.20]
Initial Modrinth release!
Changed the language code from
, so it would be cross-compatible between versions before and after 1.19Merged 1.17 & 1.18 packs into a single pack
Support for pre-1.13 version has been re-introduced!
For versions 1.7 - 1.10, after applying the pack, restart your game to apply the font changes properly (due to the MC-41270 bug)
Added Malay translations for splash texts, credits and the End Poem, which are taken from the MCSplahes project, by SmajloSlovakian
Added Jawi translations for most of the splash texts! Some are kept in Rumi Malay due to problems with punctuations marks and stuff
Some of splash texts with diacritics will look broken due to how Minecraft's Unifont system works, especially in pre-1.20 versions
Credits' and End Poem's translation are kept in Rumi Malay due to possiblities of having problems with reading Jawi texts on top of the dirt background
Might be reconsidered at some point, but for now, enjoy the Rumi translations!
Un-Jawi-fied the "Copyright Mojang AB." text, due to alignment problems which cause some characters to be rendered out of bounds (1.20.2+)
Fixed some untranslated painting names (both Rumi & Jawi, 1.19.3+)
Updated both in-game credits and credits within the zip file
Updated pack icons for all versions!
1.7 - 1.14 & 1.17-1.18 versions have their background updated, to better reflect their respective updates
1.15-1.16, 1.19 & 1.20 (along side all the other versions) simply have the JawiCraft logo updated, to fix a kerning problem within the "کرفت" text (which I never noticed before)
Removed the custom "loading screen splash" texture, as it was a deprecated feature from earlier versions
Might get a redesign at some point
v1.8.4 (19/7/2023)
[All Versions]
Changed every Arabic hamzas in the language files to Jawi's "three-quarter high hamzas"
Used the "Arabic Letter High Hamza", and changed the font texture to closely match the three-quarter high hamza
Base translations updated to 1.20.1
Updated credits both in-game and in the pack's txt file
Added support for 1.20
Added support for the new logo format
Some clients and/or launchers (such as Prism Launcher) seems to natively fix the Arabic splash text bug for me
An additional pack is now released to use when playing the game using Prism Launcher here! (can't confirm for MultiMC and other clients)
Added name fixes for some untranslated painting names (both in Latin and Jawi Malay)
See you on August 31st for the next update!
v1.8.3 (4/1/2023)
[1.13.x - 1.18.x]
Base translations have been updated to 1.19.3
[1.19.x] [Ignore the warning when loading up the pack in 1.19.3]
Base translations have been updated to 1.19.3
Language file now includes all the strings instead of just the modified ones
This is to make it easier for me as I don't have to filter newly updated translations every time I make an update
Re-added the Jawi versions of the splash texts, thanks to a workaround I recently found
Removed the ZWNJ fix provided in the pack, as it is already fixed in-game
Removed the credits for the ZWNJ fix from the credits both in the zip file and in-game
Slight changes to the pack.mcmeta file
v1.8.2 (17/9/2022)
Removed all the reference to the independence month (as it is already over unfortunately)
Reverted the Merdeka-fied logo on the resource pack icon (for the same reason)
v1.8.2-65 (31/8/2022) / v1.8.2 (17/9/2022) [1.13-1.19]
Added Merdeka-themed splash text, among a few others
Merdeka-themed splash texts will be removed on September 17th
[1.13 - 1.16] Added pack's credits to the in-game credits (with colored texts)
Uses 1.16.5's credits as the base
[1.17 - 1.19] Updated the credits to have colored texts
Updated all pack's logo with the Merdeka-fied version of the JawiCraft logo
Will be reverted to normal on September 17th
Happy Birthday JawiCraft! (this pack was released a year ago, on August 31st 2021 :0)
v1.8.1 (13/8/2022)
[1.13 - 1.18]
Updated base translations to the MC 1.19.1 revision
Changed the translation of "Lava" from "لاۏا/Lava" to "لاهر/Lahar"
Added splash texts referencing the independence month of Malaysia and a few others...
Added missing translations for older versions
Base for the in-game pack credits is now updated to the one used in MC 1.19.1
Also fixed the spelling error: Penerjemah/ڤنرجمه -> Penterjemah/ڤنترجمه
In-game pack credits for pre-1.17 packs will be readded in 1.8.2 (I'm already tired updating this version and also because of other stuffs T-T)
Added back the Combat Test 8c texts into the 1.16.2-1.16.5 pack (including the regular Malay translations of those strings) [1.19.x]
Added new translations for "Lava", "Singleplayer", and "Multiplayer" only
This uses/replaces the zlm_arab file, instead of the ms_arab_my that the pack uses
Removed all splash texts written in Jawi
Some texts that are only or partially written in Jawi in the original list are replaced with their Rumi counterparts (which are also added to the original list)
This is done due to not be able to set the 'bidirectional' tag to 'true' for existing languages via pack.mcmeta, which caused the Jawi texts to be reversed and disconnected
Updated the pack's logo
v1.8 [1.13-1.18] (9/7/2022)
And the backport phase of the project has begun!
Now the project will backport the translations from the latest version of Minecraft to the older versions
This phase will come to the Pre-1.13 versions soon (hopefully)
This project is also now part of a collection project that I will start which I'll announce when its fully ready
Renamed the language to "بهاس ملايو (مليسيا)" to match the name in 1.19
v1.7.3 [1.13-1.18 + 1.19 Pre-release] (02/06/2022)
Updates translations
Will be further updated with the next major version, 1.8
Removed splash text referencing Eid Al-Fitr (since its over at this point)
Added splash texts which references the addition of Jawi into Minecraft in 1.19 Pre-release 4
The splash texts are "Kini di Minecraft!" and "کيني دماءينکرفت!" (both means "Now in Minecraft!")
1.11-1.12 version of the pack are now removed from the download list, and will be re-added in a future update
v1.7.2(.0) [1.11-1.18 + 1.19 Snapshot] (01/05/2022)
Added support for the latest 1.19 snapshot
Versions for snapshots will have an extra number at the end of the version number
Removed the regional compliancies' Malaysia locale support from the previous version
To be honest I felt that it was unnecessary to be added
Removed a few splash texts
Added splash texts, most of which Eid al-Fitr celebration references (which is on May 2nd :0)
Will be removed from the pack after Syawal ends (which is on May 31st)
Also added splash texts referencing some new features in 1.19 in the pack's version for 1.19 snapshots, and more will be added in the next version! :0
Added a custom Mojang Studios loading screen logo (will not work in vanilla)
Updated and fixes some translations (for 1.13+ versions, more will be hopefuly fixed in the next updates)
v1.7.1 (01/03/2022)
Updated the pack to 1.18.2
Added new strings from the pre-releases
Added proper support for the South Korean regional compliancies (added in 22w06a) with the Malaysia locale
Unconfirmed whether this works or not
Added support for the 1.19 Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1 (fork of 1.18.1)
All translations are provided by Ahmad Ali Karim
Roman Malay translations for this snapshot is also available here! (also provided by Ahmad Ali Karim)
[1.16.2 - 1.16.5]
Added support for the Combat Test 8c version (fork of 1.16.2)
Translations provided by Ahmad Ali Karim
Roman Malay translations for this version is also available here! (also provided by Ahmad Ali Karim)
v1.7 [1.13-1.18] (13/02/2022)
[1.13 - 1.18]
Updated the translation revision to the new "Ahmad Ali's Revision"
I named it that because of Ahmad's dedication of going through all of the Minecraft strings, fixing and approving all of it in just 3 days
Added a custom language option in the Language option menu, called "جاوي (ماليسيا)", located right above "Bahasa Melayu (Malaysia)"
Uses the custom "ms_arab_my" language code
The language will fallback to English when the pack is unloaded, and will be applied again when you reload the pack (if you didn't change the language prior to reloading it)
The ZWNJ bug (MC-226359) is now fixed in snapshot 22w03a for 1.18.2
The temporary fix provided in the pack for previous versions will now be ignored when loaded in the 1.18.2 snapshots
Added a credits section for JawiCraft above the Minecraft credits in the 1.17 and 1.18 credits. The Minecraft credits is not touched at all
Added a credits text file in all version's pack folder
Updated the 1.18 pack logo
Added a few splash texts to the pack
[1.6 - 1.12]
Added the custom "جاوي (ماليسيا)" language option (explained in the 1.7 changelog)
Updated some translations to the new revision
This pack now no longer officially supports 1.6 due to a bug with the Arabic writing system in that version
Links to download the 1.6-1.8 and 1.9-1.10 packs is now removed, and might be added back later (or not). Use the 1.11 - 1.12 versions for the time being
This is done to keep compatability with the added custom language, and also with CurseForge, as they won't accept format 1 and 2 packs for some reason
Added a credits text file in the version's pack folder
Added a few splash texts to the pack
v1.6.1 [1.18-1.18.1] (11/12/2021)
Updated the pack to 1.18.1
Added a new string to the realms' language file
Fixed an error in the realms' language file
v1.6 - Major Update #1 [1.6-1.18] (2/12/2021)
-Project now updated to the 1.18 release
Translation Updates
Base translations for version 1.13 - 1.18 is now updated to the 1.18 pre-5 translations
Translations for the "Singleplayer" and "Multiplayer" now changed for all versions
"Singleplayer" - "Permainan Tunggal/ڤرماءينن توڠڬل" -> "Ekapemain/ايكاڤماءين"
"Multiplayer" - "Permainan Jamak/ڤرماءينن جمع" -> "Multipemain/مولتيڤيماءين"
Implemented a fix for the ZWNJ bug (MC-226359) by modifying the glyph_sizes.bin and the unicode_page_20.png files
But it cannot be properly implemented into the 1.6-1.8 and 1.9-1.10 version because of the MC-41270 bug, which cause inconsistencies in loading the resource packs' glyph_sizes.bin file
v1.5.3 [1.18 Pre-release] (17/11/2021)
Added string from the Pre-release 2
Fixes a tiny error in the translations from the previous hotfix
v1.5.2 Hotfix [1.18 Pre-release]
Added the 21w44a strings which for some reason I completely forgot to add to the v1.5.1 language file ;\
v1.5.1 [1.6-1.17 & 1.18 Pre-release]
Updated the pack to 1.18 Pre-release
Might no longer updating this version unless there is new strings added during the upcoming pre-releases
Updated all the pack icons (other than the 1.6 - 1.8 version)
v1.5 [31/10/2021] (1.6-1.17, 21w43a)
Add support for version 1.6 - 1.12
Will have their own version number seperate to the main one
For the 1.6-1.8 and 1.9-1.10 version, you have to extract the zip file first before using
Add support for 1.18 snapshot (21w43a, will be updated everytime a new snapshot released)
Fixes a lot of translation errors
Updated all resource pack logos
Might be updated again soon (or not)
v1.4 Hotfix [12/9/2021] (1.13-1.17)
Fixes a tiny typo... The typo was in the name of the " A Terrible Fortress" advancement, which is spelled as "بوکو/buku" (book) instead of "کوبو/kubu" (fortress)
v1.3 [10/9/2021] (1.13-1.17)
Fixes some translations error (in the language file, not on Crowdin)
Adds the new Jawi version of the title screen logo, thanks to Ahmad Ali Karim!
Updated the resource pack logo
Adds the new Jawi version of the pack name in the resource pack logo, also thanks to Ahmad Ali Karim!
v1.2 [03/09/21] (1.13-1.17)
Fixes a lot of the translations
Adds more translations
v1.1 Hotfix [01/09/21] (1.17)
Fixes a tiny error in the language file
v1.0 [31/08/21]
The Pack's Initial Release
Last updated